calling drivers

Distracted driving (use of mobile phones) causes accidents

The last thing you would want is that you call your driver to check on his job or location, and amidst distraction, he gets into an accident. Yes, mobile phones have been a leading cause in distracted driving related fatal crashes worldwide. In fact, according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports, distracted driving claimed 3,166 lives in 2017.  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration also states that the average cost for a single fleet-related accident is around $70,000. While there could be numerous reasons to why accidents occur, majority of the accidents are accountable to driver behaviours.

You may refer to an WHO article here on distracted driving:

Time is money

As a fleet owner/manager, have you ever wondered the amount of time spent on calling your drivers to track their whereabouts? A 1-minute call even 5 times day take up up to 5 minutes of your daily time. That time multiplied with the drivers, say 10 of them would add up to 50 minutes! Viewing your operations on a fleet management software platform not only provides real-time tracking of the drivers but also in a matter of few seconds!

Knowing a vehicle’s location isn’t enough

Fleet owners must have detailed insight into driver behaviour patterns to identify unsafe driving habits and take appropriate actions. One of the most effective solutions could be investing in a telematics platform for a fleet to proactively address driver behaviour issues. Telematics will ensure efficiency of safety programs and will require lesser resources to manage operations.

Make drivers accountable

Drivers often refer circumstances as an excuse to get away with poor driving habits. Making them responsible drivers is a challenge too. However, improving their driving accountability is easy with telematics. More data means more transparency of driver activities. Monitoring and identifying drivers with poor driving habits will hold them accountable. These drivers can be later retrained or rewarded based on improved road driving behaviour.

Resource optimisation

For any organisation, monitoring driver behaviour patterns will lay a strong foundation for effective safety programs leading to resource optimisation. Thus, being aware of bad driving practices and reasons for their occurrence will reduce the amount on resources required to manage them. You can also keep a track of the exact time and day of the events with the driver responsible.